Piano transports and grand piano transports

A move that includes piano transportation is a challenge that requires careful planning. The weight and size of your beloved piano are decisive factors that need to be taken into account when transporting pianos or grand pianos.

If you use the services of Umzüge Mansholt, an experienced moving company that specializes in piano transport, you can be sure that the move will be carried out quickly and reliably.

Zwei Flügel stehen in einem Salon

Experienced and inexpensive when it comes to piano transports

The following factors are decisive for the correct planning of piano transports and for calculating the resulting costs:

  • size and weight of the piano
  • distance or transportation route
  • additional services, such as disassembly, assembly, packing service, and storage
  • logistics costs, for example the use of furniture lifts or special transport vehicles

In many cases, piano transportation is part of your entire move. Therefore, the costs are usually calculated in conjunction with the costs of other services for your move. As your moving company, we offer a variety of services, including furniture assembly, professional packing and disposal assistance. Grand piano transportation is then included as an additional service in the overall cost plan.

Your partner for piano transports

To ensure that your piano transport is carried out on time and without complications, we always offer you a site inspection. Our experts will check the feasibility and take measurements of doors, staircases and elevators to ensure that everything runs smoothly on the day of the move.

Ein Umzugswagen der Firma Mansholt steht an einer Andockstation vor einem Lagerhaus

Umzüge Mansholt is your ideal partner for piano transports and special transports of all kinds. With our extensive logistics, suitable fleet of vehicles and experienced team, we are ready to transport your upright or grand piano safely and competently. Contact us and arrange an appointment with one of our removal consultant. This will make your piano removal a smooth experience.