Your moving company for Sylt


Our moving company for Sylt realizes your island move to the Frisian island in the German North Sea. Based in Ganderkesee near Bremen, we particularly serve the north and northwest of the republic with our energetic expertise. We take care of private moves as well as company moves, which we carry out nationally as well as internationally with the help of our own logistics. Your move will be accompanied by the experienced team of our moving company for Sylt, which will provide you with a transparent and, if required, fully comprehensive offer in advance. For this purpose, we will make an appointment with you on site to get an overview of your current situation before we put your plans for a move to Sylt into practice.

Eine Brücke, die durch die Dühnen führt mit Blick auf den Sylter Strand
Gestapelte Holzboxen


As a moving company for Sylt, we prepare you a relaxed and structured process from A to Z. This includes the furniture transport to Sylt and the associated organization of the sea transport as well as numerous other advantages. Take a look for yourself, with which services and relocation services we convince you of our commitment to your project in addition to the furniture transport to Sylt:

  • friendly and experienced team with special expertise in island relocations
  • national and international removals
  • safe furniture storage in swap bodies, storage rooms or wooden boxes
  • use of suitable vehicle fleet for heavy transports, piano transports and more
  • competent advice and execution by our experienced team
  • disassembly and assembly work
  • modern and extensive machinery fleet for all logistic services from one source including container transport by sea


To realize a move including furniture transport to Sylt and to take the appropriate measures for it is one of the core competences of our moving company. Among other things on Sylt we take care that your move can be carried out quickly and precisely. For this purpose, we record all important points of your move in an on-site appointment after placing the order, such as the quantity of the removal goods, the provision of furniture lifts or the disassembly of your furniture. On this basis, we also provide you with a transparent cost estimate, so that you know at any time about your move from or to Sylt and the corresponding costs.

Our moving company is specialized in every kind of moving. Whether on Sylt, on the mainland to Hamburg and beyond, we are there for you. We are also happy to take on European or overseas moves for you, the coordination and transport of which we accompany. For short-term as well as long-term storage of your furniture and objects, our warehouses are at your disposal. These can be rented and managed in the form of self storage rooms. Enjoy with our team of Umzüge Mansholt a move to Sylt that is optimally tailored to your needs. Contact us for more information.