Removal with children: how it works
Moving with children can be significantly more complicated than moving for singles or couples. From the personal level to packing the last moving box in the children’s room, there are some additional pitfalls to avoid in such a move for children and adults. We’ve put together some tips for you to make sure your move with kids still works out.
Moving with children: plan in time
As is so often the case in life, moving with children is no exception: Good preparation and planning are the foundations for success. Therefore, you should consider early on how you want to best implement the move – for example, whether you prefer a do-it-yourself move or would like to commission a moving company. In the latter case, you should definitely include the children’s room when inspecting the move – especially with older children, there are often enough toys for several boxes here in addition to the furniture.
Moving with kids is a chance to clean out the clutter
Children grow – that’s no secret. Moving with children is therefore always a chance to get rid of old things and start fresh in the new apartment or house. Over the years, a considerable amount of old stuff can accumulate – whether it’s toys, furniture or clothes. Go through shelves, drawers and closet carefully and sort out clothes that are too small or toys that are no longer needed. If there is no longer any use for them, you can pass them on later in the family (and thus store them for the short to medium term) or donate or sell them. In this way, you can reduce the size of your household for the move with children and at the same time create new capacity.
Explain relocation for children understandably
A move is always a big adjustment for children – especially when greater distances and entering a new social circle are involved. Therefore, explain to your child ahead of time what all the excitement is about and answer questions patiently. You know your child best. Lay out the benefits of the move in understandable ways – these might include a bigger room, closer distance to friends, or a yard to play in, depending on the individual situation.
It may also be useful to actively involve your child in the move – for example, packing a box of toys can explain the move to younger children in a fun way. At the new place of residence, you can also let your child have a say in the design of the new room – for example, the choice of wall color or the position of the bed.
Keep children busy during the move
During the move, small children in particular should be kept sufficiently occupied. Here it can help to ask for support from the family – for example, grandparents could take the children on an outing for moving day.
In the new home, the children’s room should be set up first – this way, the children have a place to retreat to and can get used to the new surroundings while the parents are still busy in other rooms. Familiar rituals, such as eating or playing together, should be maintained or resumed as soon as possible. Familiar photos and furnishings also help with settling in. Friends can also marvel at the new place of residence with an invitation, thus establishing a familiar element. This is an easy tool to organize, especially when moving in close proximity.
Do you need a competent moving company for your move with children, trust in Umzüge Mansholt. We will help you organize and implement your move and will always be at your side.